Transit services for those in need in the community could become much more comprehensive pending the Turlock City Council's approval of an agreement with a new firm to sell advertising on local buses. The revenue from the sale of bus ads allows the City to provide transit tickets to local nonprofits and the Turlock Unified School District.
Since 1998 the City has had a contract with Alan Seaton Consulting Services to sell and maintain advertising on the "Blast" and "Dart" transit buses giving the City $500 a month in revenue.
"We use that revenue to help make bus passes available for those who can't afford them," said City Manager Roy Wasden.
At the behest of Council member Amy Bublak, the City reviewed this agreement and in turn issued a Request for Proposals in October 2014. Alan Seaton Consulting Services submitted a bid with the current rate alongside Stott Outdoor Advertising of Chico. A three-person committee was formed to review the proposal and on Jan. 6, Stott was awarded the agreement for "best meeting the terms and conditions of the RFP." Pending Council approval, the three-year contract with Stott will pay the City $3,000 a month for the first year and $4,200 after that.
"Obviously, if we have $3,000 and $4,200 that's going to allow us to help many more people," said Wasden.
Stott will market the advertising space only to persons, companies and businesses that agree to participate in the City's transit program. The City of Turlock will provide bus passes to We Care, United Samaritans Foundation, Turlock Gospel Mission, Children's Crisis Center, Haven Women's Center, Turlock Salvation Army and TUSD.
On Tuesday the Turlock City Council will also consider:
• Amending the agreement between the City of Turlock and Pires, Lipomi and Navarro Architects to increase compensation by $14,780 for the Turlock Regional Transit Center Phase 2 building plans. The Request for Proposals did not adequately address security concerns so that additional funds will go towards design elements for building access control systems, security cameras, display monitors, recording equipment and programming. Construction is slated to being in summer of 2015 and includes a 6,000 square foot single story building, parking lot and landscaping.
• Endorsing City Manager Roy Wasden's appointment of Kellie Jacobs-Hunter to the position of Administrative Services Director beginning March 2. The position was vacant since 2009 due to economic restraints. The Administrative Services Director will serve as the Financial Officer and be responsible for financial planning, budgeting, accounting and auditing, treasury cash management and billing of other accounts.
• Accepting the Carnegie Arts Foundation's Annual Report for 2014.
• Approving a $27,000 multifamily rehabilitation loan for a Lambert Way property and approving the sale of the property to nonprofit organization We Care, for $350,000.
• Appointing Anokeen Varani and Abe Rojas to the Community Development Block Grant Selection Committee which screens applications from community groups seeking CDBG funds. It is estimated that the Committee will fund approximately $50,000 in grants this year. Two Council representatives will also be appointed to the committee and terms will expire on Dec. 31.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.