The City of Turlock wants legislators, policymakers and the public to know where it stands on important policy positions. To help make sure those positions are communicated, the City Council on Tuesday will consider adopting the 2014-15 Legislative Platform for the City of Turlock and authorizing the city manager to participate in the League of Cities advocacy efforts.
The Legislative Platform includes City Council policy statements that set forth the City's goals for the 2014-15 Legislative Session and are derived from the City's Strategic Plan. The Legislative Platform allows that City to respond in support of or opposition to issues that could directly impact the City and reach out to legislators to assist the City in communicating its interests.
The 2014-15 Legislative Platform includes items such as:
— Opposing measures making cities more dependent on the state or federal government for financial stability and policy direction;
— Opposing changes in State and/or Federal law that would limit the ability of cities to preserve their local revenues;
—Supporting legislation that makes the distribution of property taxes more equitable for cities and counties throughout the State;
— Opposing the shift of any city taxes or fees to any other jurisdiction;
—Encouraging the State Legislature to adopt a statewide policy for growth management;
— Opposing any legislation or acquisition of land that would attempt to establish casino gambling-type operations within the city.
On Tuesday, the City Council is also expected to consider the following items:
· The City Council Chambers may soon get an upgrade, as the Council is set to approve moving forward with the first phase of an improvement project.
The Council will consider approving a contract with Shalleck Collaborative out of San Francisco to design a state of the art audiovisual system for the Council chambers along with any necessary lighting and accessibility upgrades.
The second phase of the project will consist of actual construction and installation of the proposed audiovisual system and upgrades to the Council chambers.
Total cost of the of the design portion of the project is estimated at $60,110.
· The Council will consider authorizing the City of Turlock, acting as lead agency of the Turlock/Stanislaus County Home Consortium, to use allocated HOME funds to further affordable housing opportunities through the purchase, resale or granting of residential real property to eligible organizations and households.
· The Council will consider approving Turlock Gospel Mission volunteers working with the City of Turlock Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department. The mission is hoping the partnership will allow its clients will gain job skills while helping to beautify their community. The agreement would also benefit the City, providing additional maintenance resources at a time when staffing is limited.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway Ave.