New Turlock Police Chief Rob Jackson was sworn in on Tuesday to an uproarious round of applause in the packed Turlock City Council chambers.
“I'm proud to be the leader for this organization here,” Jackson said, terming the department “one of the most professional departments around” shortly after taking the oath of office.
Jackson, formerly a Turlock police captain, was selected from 43 applicants for the Turlock police chief position. Jackson ran for Stanislaus County sheriff-coroner in 2010, but was defeated by incumbent Adam Christianson.
Jackson hopes to instill a sense of pride in the community during his tenure as police chief, he said. He also hopes to be known for his availability, and asked Turlockers to call if they had any issues or concerns.
Jackson went on to recite the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, a tradition instituted by Turlock's last police chief Gary Hampton. Hampton, now Tracy chief of police, was in attendance Tuesday, as were Christenson, Oakdale Chief of Police Marty West, and numerous Turlock Police officers from past and present.
Also in attendance was former Modesto Police Chief Roy Wasden, who now serves as Turlock city manager – though Jackson mistakenly referred to him as Chief Wasden during his speech.
“Wait, I'm having flashbacks,” Jackson said, correcting himself to the audience's laughter. “I'm the chief now.”
Jackson thanked outgoing Interim Police Chief Dave Young for making hard decisions during his seven month term, and for pushing the Turlock Police Department forward.
Jackson kept his comments brief, saying he didn't want his acceptance speech to “turn into Grammy night,” but took time to thank his family members and, most importantly on Valentine's Day, his wife Melinda.
“I really am who I am because of you,” Jackson said.
Young was also honored for his service Tuesday evening, which he credited to the professionalism and integrity of the Turlock Police Department.
Also on Tuesday:
The Turlock City Council convened for the first time as the Turlock Successor Agency Governing Board.
The new organization will oversee paying off Turlock's existing Redevelopment Agency debt, following the state-mandated shutdown of redevelopment agencies statewide, which went into effect Feb. 1.
On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council formally created the Successor Agency Governing Board, which will have its seats filled by the council members. The successor agency is a legally separate body from the City of Turlock, per state law.
The agency then met for the first time, adopting three housekeeping measures which created a fund allowing the receipt of property taxes, approved a schedule of debts to be paid, and allowed access to past funds invested by the RDA.