The Turlock City Council will weigh taking control of nearly $300,000 in homeless assistance funds from the troubled Stanislaus Community Assistance Project.
The City of Turlock, in conjunction with United Samaritans Foundation, We Care, Children's Crisis Center, and SCAP, applied for $1.5 million in homeless prevention and rapid re-housing funds in November 2009. Until March 2012, SCAP served as the lead agency for the grant and reporting requirements.
But SCAP exploded earlier this year, after revelations that managers Denise and Joe Gibbs were potentially mismanaging the funding, collecting large salaries and poorly managing projects. The Gibbs, who have since left SCAP, are currently facing a federal investigation.
The collapse of SCAP led the state Department of Housing and Community Development to begin discussions with the remaining stakeholders on how best to expend the remaining funds. Ultimately, HCD suggested Turlock become the lead agency.
About $1.25 million has already been expended through the SCAP partnership. After Turlock assumes control of the funding, the remaining $284,018 must be spent by Sept. 30.
The entirety of that funding must be used to provide homelessness prevention assistance, and to rapidly re-house those who have become homeless due to the down economy. Eligible programs range from rental assistance to utility deposits, case management costs, and hotel vouchers.
As part of administering the grant, Turlock will be responsible for allocating funds, collecting data, and reporting outcomes to HCD, should council agree at its regular meeting on Tuesday to the change in fund management.
On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council is also expected to:
• Approve a $23 million expansion of Turlock's wastewater treatment facility.
The expansion would construct new control facility headworks and add secondary treatment capacity. The project would be funded through a state revolving funds loan program.
The low bidder was C. Overaa & Co. of Richmond, coming in more than $1 million below the closest competitor. Construction is expected to be completed in 18 to 24 months.
• Address an issue where cars parked on Broadway overnight disrupts the Turlock Farmers Market.
Cars are already prevented from entering Broadway during the hours of the Turlock Farmers Market, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. But when individuals leave cars on Broadway Thursday night, vendors have difficulty setting up their stands Friday mornings.
The council will consider establishing a new tow-away zone on both sides of Broadway between W. Olive Avenue and Market Street from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays, from May through October.
• Finalize the addition of a "per cart" rate of $7.65 for blue, recycling-specific trash cans rented from Turlock Scavenger. Previously, there was no rate for individual recycling carts.
In 2011, new state legislation made contract recycling services mandatory for all multi-family, commercial, and industrial developments, effective July 1. As most such developments lack space for a second large, outdoor bin, they will be forced to rent smaller recycling carts to supplement their trash bins.
Previously, recycling was only mandatory for single-family homes.
• Provide direction on various state legislative items, most related to the state-mandated closure of redevelopment agencies.
• Issue proclamations in honor of Disability Awareness Month, and United States Army Week, June 11-16.
• Appoint members to Turlock's Development Collaborative Advisory Committee.
• Hear a presentation on Pacific Gas & Electric's upcoming hydrotesting.
• Receive staff updates on capital projects, and board, commission, and committee vacancies.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.