Truckers traveling through Turlock and other areas of the San Joaquin Valley may be eligible to receive part of a $45.5 million grant from the California Air Resources Board.
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District received a grant for the retrofitting and replacing of older diesel trucks under Proposition 1B.
“This new funding is sorely needed to help the air basin reduce harmful pollution, the majority of which is caused by vehicle traffic, including heavy-duty trucks,” said Seyed Sadredin, the air district's executive director and air pollution control officer.
The ARB awarded the funds to the Valley Air District citing their efficiencies in administering past grants and their readiness to disburse new funding.
The air district distributed more than $15 million last year through their Voucher Incentive Program, which purchased and destroyed older diesel trucks if owners replaced them with vehicles that met 2007 emission standards. Trucks purchased through the program were obtained from 10 certified dealers, including Interstate Truck Center in Turlock.
“We are ready and able to disburse these funds quickly and the reduction in emissions will help the rest of the state as well, since many of these trucks travel to other regions,” Sadredin said.
Diesel emissions are a significant factor in the Valley's struggle to meet health-based, clean-air standards. Highway 99 and Interstate 5 are considered the state's two major corridors for moving goods, and they both run north-to-south through the air district.
The application period will open within the next few months. Interested owners and operators can contact the air district's Strategies and Incentives Program at (559) 230-5800 for more information, or visit for information about other incentive programs.