A one-day only, mandatory event is scheduled Feb. 16 for 2012 Merced County Fair market beef exhibitors.
All market beef exhibitors — 4-H, FFA and independents — are required to bring their animals to Turlock Livestock Yard, 10430 North Lander Ave., Turlock, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 16 to participate in the event.
All animals will be pre-weighed, hair follicles will be pulled for potential DNA testing and animals also will be ear-tagged. Merced County fair representatives will be at Turlock Livestock that day to ear tag and take the animal's certified scale weight and pull a hair sample to be put on file. All independent market beef exhibitors are required to provide a photo of their animal and proof of ownership at the pre-weigh. Those who don’t meet the deadline requirements won’t be permitted to show animals at the fair.
An information packet for Independent Junior Livestock exhibitors is available at the fair office.
The theme of the 2012 Merced County Fair, June 13-17, is "Cows Just Wanna Have Fun!" For information, call the fair office at 722-1507, e-mail to info@MercedCountyFair.com or go to www.MercedCountyFair.com.