This is a question that I always wanted the police to answer: Why does the law in our time and age let battered women’s incidents get as far as a death?You would think they would know by now this is something you would have to take care of right away, as far as someone not abiding by the law. Abusers like Anthony Simmons — who was stabbed to death allegedly by girlfriend Selina Vargas in February 2009 — ignored and broke every law that got in his way and the police just turned and looked the other way. They have all the reports filed. But they chose not to take it seriously. If Selina let him in again and they knew it, why didn’t they pick him up? They lived right across the street from the police station. Remember the story of the burning bed? How many stories are there of women running to police for help and nothing was done? Nothing gets done until something really bad happens. Why?These cases are always the same. Especially the ones with children involved. What kind of procedures do you follow when this type of case happens, because they all end up the same — in a death or an almost death?Restraining orders and filing reports is not working. Because the police don’t know what to do with them, their only comment is ‘Move away, start all over again, hide.’ Or, ‘Oh, I know, go to the Women’s Haven and tell them to hide you out for a few days.’ Maybe the abuser will get bored and find someone else to abuse and torture because the police are too busy for your case.— Mary Vargas, mother of Selina Vargas
The law needs to better protect abused women