• Jenna and Scott Cortez of Turlock are the parents of an 8-pound girl born April 12 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Rosalin Valencia Revuelta of Winton is the mother of a 7-pound-6-ounce boy born April 14 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Amanda and Timothy Blevins of Turlock are the parents of a 7-pound-4-ounce girl born April 14 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Harleen and Steve Dail of Turlock are the parents of an 8-pound-10-ounce girl born April 14 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Paola and Anthony Corona of Ceres are the parents of a 6-pound-10-ounce girl born April 14 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Kayla and Tim Scully of Denair are the parents of an 8-pound-12-ounce boy born April 15 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Ariana Salazar of Turlock is the mother of an 8-pound-8-ounce boy born April 15 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Catherine and Andrew Burrage of Turlock are the parents of an 8-pound-7-ounce boy born April 16 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Adriana Rojas of Winton is the mother of an 8-pound-1-ounce girl born April 16 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Brittney Alexander of Denair is the mother of a 7-pound-2-ounce girl born April 16 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Macie Hanslovan and Lazarus Simon of Turlock are the parents of a 5-pound-15-ounce boy born April 17 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Nou Hang and David Yang of Delhi are the parents of a 7-pound-15-ounce boy born April 17 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Angelina LeGrande of Turlock is the mother of an 8-pound-1-ounce boy born April 17 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Stefanie Philips of Modesto is the mother of a 6-pound-6-ounce girl born April 18 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Judith Paz and Alfonso Ordaz of Turlock are the parents of a 6-pound-12-ounce girl born April 18 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Valeria Ramirez and Osvaldo Alcazar of Turlock are the parents of a 7-pound-14-ounce boy born April 18 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Megen and Justin Little of Turlock are the parents of twin girls - 6-pounds-3-ounces and 4-pounds-8-ounces - born April 19 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Monica Solorio of Livingston is the mother of an 8-pound-15-ounce girl born April 19 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Karina Mercado of Livingston is the mother of a 6-pound-3-ounce girl born April 19 at Emanuel Medical Center.
• Diana and Gabriel Valencia of Delhi are the parents of a 7-pound-14-ounce girl born April 20 at Emanuel Medical Center.