For the seventh consecutive year, California State University, Stanislaus has been listed as one of “The Best 377 Colleges,” by The Princeton Review, and one of the Best Western Colleges.
And, for the 17th time, the university was named one of the best universities in the west by U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Colleges 2013.”
The Princeton Review includes only 15 percent of American four-year colleges, considered by the testing preparation and college ranking firm to be among the best in the nation.
“Each of our 377 best colleges offers outstanding academics,” Princeton Review senior vice president and publisher Robert Franek stated. “We don't rank them 1 to 377, because they differ widely in their program offerings and campus culture, and that is their strength. Our goal is not to crown one college ‘best’ overall, but to help applicants find and get into the college best for them.”
CSU Stanislaus was one of just two CSU campuses listed by The Princeton Review; Sonoma State University was the other.
CSU Stanislaus was also included on the Princeton Review’s 2012 list of “stone-cold sober colleges,” indicating low levels of student alcohol use. The Turlock campus ranked 20th of 20 colleges on the list, headed by Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Only one other California university was on the list: Pepperdine University, in Malibu.
CSU Stanislaus also ranked 18th in “Got Milk?,” referencing little beer drinking, 13th in “Lots of Race/Class Interaction,” 13th in “Scotch and Soda, hold the Scotch,” referencing little hard alcohol drinking, and 9th in “Best Health Services.”
The U.S. News and World Report ranking places CSU Stanislaus 68th among western regional universities, a division which sees colleges offer mainly undergraduate and master’s degree programs and few doctoral degrees. Among CSU campuses, Stanislaus tied for 14th place.
CSU campuses finishing ahead of CSU Stanislaus in the rankings were: California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, 6th; CSU Long Beach, 28th; CSU Chico, 31st; CSU Fullerton, 31st; California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, 34th; CSU Fresno, 38th; San Jose State University, 38th; Humboldt State University, 46th; Sonoma State University, 46th; San Francisco State University, 50th; CSU San Bernardino, 54th; CSU Monterey Bay, 57th; CSU Sacramento, 62nd. The University tied with CSU Channel Islands and CSU Northridge.
U.S. News and World Report considers data from 16 areas to determine rankings. Important factors range from academic excellence to graduation rates, student selectivity, and alumni giving.