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Every 15 Minutes highlights drinking and driving dangers
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Bianca Garcia is loaded onto a stretcher by emergency personnel during Pitman High Schools Every 15 Minutes program this week, which realistically shows high schoolers the perils of drunk driving. - photo by Photo by Vicente Rosales
Pitman High School senior TJ Sullivan’s plans of attending California State University, Northridge, this fall were cut short Thursday when the straight A student decided to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking, killing three of his classmates and earning himself a sentence of 33 years behind bars. Luckily for Sullivan, both his actions and their consequences were part of Every 15 Minutes – a two-day program that shows high school students the real-life ramifications of drinking and driving. When Sullivan’s vehicle collided with another car full of his peers in a simulated car crash at PHS Thursday morning, students Sonny Uppal, Bianca Garcia and Fallon Evans lost their lives.