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Fair offers teachers kits for Ag in the Classroom
ag in class
Ag in the Classroom kits are now available to area teachers to help students learn about farm animals. - photo by Photo Contributed

The Stanislaus County Fair is partnering with local classrooms to teach students about the importance of agriculture in the community.

The Stanislaus County Fair’s “School Involvement Program” sponsored by Turlock Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, gives students an opportunity to work with the Fair and use their imagination through creativity.  This year the focus is on farm animals.

Specifically developed curriculum kits will assist teachers with instructing students about the agricultural industry, farm animals and their importance to life.  The kits include a book, activities for the students and a wood sawhorse for each classroom to create their unique “Farm Animal” project.  Each class participating will have their projects entered and showcased at the 2017 Fair.

Activity kits are now available at the Fair’s Exhibit Office located at 900 N. Broadway, Turlock in Building E2.  Kits may be picked up or turned in from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday through June 30.

“Each class that participates will have their creative masterpieces displayed at the 2017 Stanislaus County Fair,” said Laura Moore, exhibits supervisor. “Cash prizes are awarded to classes whose creative Farm Animals projects are rated brilliant and exceptional by project judges.”

The 2017 Stanislaus County Fair opens July 14 for a 10-day run. For more information, visit