Twice a year, at Christmas and Easter, little girls in the Turlock area are gifted holiday dresses hand-made by students at Pitman High School. On Tuesday, the Pitman High fashion class once again collaborated with the Kiwanis Club of Turlock for the 10th year in a row to make dresses to donate for the Salvation Army.
The Kiwanis Club of Turlock bought material for the home economics class to make the dresses. The dresses are then sent to the Salvation Army for low-income families during the holiday season.
Pitman High teacher Anne Cornell said the project does more than create an extra assignment for her class syllabus.
“I love doing it. It is a win-win situation. The kids do a charity project, and the children who don’t have anything, or who are unfortunate, now have a dress. With this year’s economy—and how it is getting progressively worse—this is a benefit,” she said.
Pitman High junior Maddy Snider said the Kiwanis organization provided many different materials for all different age groups.
“We have different sizes to make, so that big and small kids can all get a dress. I think it is good to help someone out for no benefit for yourself. The kids can’t help the situation that they’re in. Just to know that they are going to be able to have a new item of clothing that they would never had before makes me feel good,” Snider said.
Burt Gilpin, a member of the Kiwanis Club stood outside to welcome the girls on Tuesday, and offer a handshake and hearty “thanks” for their involvement. Gilpin originally inherited the cause from his friend Larry Schmidt and the Lion’s Club, and knows that the program must continue to help young girls receive a special holiday present.
“At the Salvation Army, they don’t last very long. Some poor little girls don’t have much more for Christmas, and are able to get something special,” he said. “I think it is such a worthy cause.”