Students at Walnut Elementary are doing more this season than just making gift wish lists; they are helping children around the world have a brighter holiday.
On Friday morning, 31 Magneteers from Marianne Vander Veen’s 4th grade class packed over 40 boxes to be distributed to kids living in impoverished areas across the globe as part of the Operation Christmas Child program. The items included everything from toiletry items to toys and school supplies, that will be delivered to needy children.
“These gift boxes not only affects one child’s life, it impacts the lives of whole families, communities, and even countries,” said Vander Veen. “Many of these items we often take for granted, but to these children, it gives them a new sense of hope.”
OCC is a non-profit organization that collects “gift items” placed in shoe boxes for children ages 2-14 years of age. Since 1993, more than 95 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in over 130 countries.
“This is the first year that our class has participated in OCC,” said Vander Veen. “We are hoping to have all students at Walnut next year and make it a school tradition of helping children around the globe.”