A new exhibit opening today at the Carnegie Arts Center celebrates the Turlock library, as the community anxiously awaits the opening of the revamped facility currently under construction.
Opening Doors is a juried exhibition sponsored jointly by the Carnegie Arts Center and the Friends of the Turlock Public Library. Celebrating the opening of the new Turlock Public Library facility this summer, the competition called for submissions of work that is influenced or inspired by the many ways that libraries open doors and, as a result, enrich lives. Forty-seven works by 37 artists were accepted for the exhibition.
“The Arts Center has a special relationship with the library; for more than 60 years the historic Carnegie building served as Turlock’s first public library,” said Carnegie Director Lisa McDermott. “That heritage remains central to the Carnegie’s ongoing mission to be the community’s resource for discovering and learning through the arts. Both institutions thrive because of their role in providing access to information, ideas and entertainment.”
When approached by members of the FOTPL committee about helping to celebrate the new library through an art exhibit, she gladly agreed.
“Libraries are all about connection and inspiration – and so are the arts. We were excited to see what our creative community would respond with when the theme of Opening Doors was announced,” said McDermott.
A wide variety of interpretations were received; the exhibition includes paintings, drawings, prints, pastels, photographs, ceramics, fiber arts, digital and mixed media works. The artists have responded with images that relate to special books and personal memories of library experiences, but also with images that reflect more abstract concepts they associate with libraries – inspiration, education, adventure, possibility and discovery.
“With so many styles, subjects and media,” McDermott said, “I’m sure there is something for everyone to enjoy in this show.”
The Best of Show prize was awarded to Turlock’s Rhett Regina Owings for her mixed media piece titled Books Open Doors. With 26 individual and interactive works of art (one for each letter of the alphabet), Owings explores the relationship between books and curiosity.
Other award winners include Tania Colón (Keyes), Don Hall (Turlock), Andrew Babagay (Modesto), Anna Barber (Ripon), Marjan Kluepfel (Davis) and Suzanne Swanson (Santa Cruz).
The exhibition will be on view in the Carnegie’s Lobby Galleries from May 5 through Aug. 1. The Carnegie Arts Center is located at 250 N. Broadway in Downtown Turlock. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission to the Lobby Gallery is free. For more information, visit carnegieartsturlock.org.