Stanislaus County Clerk and Registrar of Voters Lee Lundrigan, is urging local residents to make sure they will be able to vote for the Presidential Primary candidate of their choosing come June 7.
Presidential Primaries are unique because political parties have the ability to decide whether voters registered as No-Party Preference can "crossover" into their party and vote for one of their candidates. For the June 7 Presidential Primary, the American Independent, Democratic and Libertarian parties have allowed “crossover” voting.
Voters who will be voting at the polls and are registered as No-Party Preference need to request a "crossover" ballot upon checking-in at their polling location. Choosing a “crossover” ballot, it will not change your registered party preference.
Voters who are registered as No-Party Preference and would like to vote in the June 7 Presidential Primary for a Republican, Green, or Peace & Freedom Presidential candidate, must re-register to vote for one of those respective parties by May 23.
Voters can re-register to vote at or call the Stanislaus Registrar of Voters Office at 209-525-5201 to request a registration form.
More information regarding the Presidential Primary Election is available on the Stanislaus Registrar of Voters website at: