The candidate filing deadline for three local school district seats and three special district seats has been extended because incumbents did not file in those respective races.
Candidates have until 5 p.m. Wednesday to file nomination papers with the County Clerk's Office for the following races: Denair Unified School District Board of Trustees, full term; Keyes Union School District Board of Trustess, full term Area 4 and short term Area 5; Keyes Community Services District Board, full term; and Denair Municipal Advisory Council, one full term and one short term seat.
Candidates interested in filing for these extended races listed below can obtain and file nomination papers at the Registrar of Voters Office located at 1021 “I” Street, Modesto. Minimum qualifications required for a candidate to qualify to run for office include Stanislaus County voter registration and residency of the district in which they wish to file. Other requirements may apply. A Stanislaus County resident is entitled to vote in this Consolidated District Election if he or she is a United States citizen, California resident, not in prison or on parole for conviction of a felony and at least 18 years of age on Nov. 3.
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