More than 20 individuals have submitted applications to become Turlock’s fire chief, according to City Manager Roy Wasden.
The deadline to submit an application for the position closed June 22 with about two dozen applicants. None of those interested in the position come within the ranks of the Turlock Fire Department, said Wasden.
The City of Turlock started looking for a new fire chief after current Chief Tim Lohman announced he would be retiring from the department effective Aug. 15.
City officials will be going through the submissions and selecting those qualified to continue on to the next step of interviews. The qualified candidates will be interviewed by three separate panels — one of city department leaders, one made of community members, and one of fire professionals, Wasden said. From there the city hopes to have three candidates to meet with the City Council, who will make the final selection.
The City of Turlock advertised the position as paying between $10,026 to $12,187 per month.