Those driving around Turlock on Wednesday may see water running down the street, but there's no need to call the City and report a water conservation violation. The City is doing repair work and flushing of the water lines is mandated for drinking water quality standards.
The City has been replacing aged water lines as part of a project near East Main and Canal Drive. The City does not treat drinking water, so the new water lines must be flushed to sterilize the pipes and get rid of any bacteria. The lines are scheduled to be flushed Wednesday.
As part of the testing process, the contractor will load the line with water to pressure test for leaks. Once the pressure test is complete, the water will be drained from the pipes and discharged into Turlock Irrigation District Lateral #4 to then be used by farmers for agricultural irrigation purposes. After the flushing, the line will be chlorinated to sterilize the pipes and ensure there is no bacterium on Friday and then again on Monday and Tuesday.
When the water lines are flushed, the water will end up in one of two places, depending on which section of pipe is being tested. The majority of the water will end up in the Palm Avenue storm water line and then be transported and pumped into TID Lateral #4, with a small amount of water being discharged on Rose Street, which will head down the new storm water line on Bell Street and out to Sunnyview Park.
Even though California is in a drought, the City’s first priority is to protect human health. The well is being flushed to comply with state and federal drinking water quality standards.