Turlock’s much-maligned roadways will be the focus of a special, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday Turlock City Council workshop.
The workshop will detail the city’s existing pavement management system, the condition of Turlock’s roadways, and costs to provide improvements. The discussion is then expected to proceed to potential funding sources, ranging from gas tax dollars – often withheld by the state – to grant funds and alternative funding options.
During their regularly scheduled, 7 p.m. meeting, the Turlock City Council is expected to begin the 2012-2013 budget process.
City staff is preparing a status quo preliminary budget, while looking for operational efficiencies through organizational realignment and consolidation of support services across the city, per the staff report. The city expects to meet its spending goals.
The council is expected to accept parts of the Non-General Fund budget – the non-discretionary portions of the budget – on Tuesday. The entire budget is expected to be adopted June 12.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway. That meeting will be preceded by a 5:30 p.m. special meeting to discuss Turlock’s roads.