Turlock’s Measure A Citizens’ Oversight Committee will meet for the first time since September on Monday, giving the public a chance to hear and address what the local sales tax revenue has been spent on so far.
The new revenue stream came courtesy of nearly 57 percent of the city’s voters, who in November 2020 voted to approve Measure A to help Turlock with its budget shortfalls. The ¾ cent citywide sales tax was touted by advocates as a way to fund a variety of necessary services in Turlock, from public safety to road repairs.
Turlock residents had until March 31, 2021 to apply to serve on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee for Measure A, and the current City Council-appointed committee includes Chair Ron Koftinow, Vice Chair Chris Nichols, Cory Chartrand, Michael Lynch and Jesus Murillo. The committee has met just once on Sept. 27 of last year, when they received information on how best to serve on the committee, and is supposed to meet on a quarterly basis each fiscal year; Monday’s meeting will be their first-ever regular meeting.
Some of the committee’s most important business includes conducting an annual review of expenditures of revenue collected pursuant to Measure A to determine whether the funds are being spent on purposes set forth by the ordinance. While the committee isn’t charged with any decision making, they are meant to serve in an advisory-only role to the Council.
On Monday, the committee will review a Measure A accountability report up to Dec. 31, 2021.
According to the report, Turlock has received $12,340,900 in Measure A revenue, with $1,234,090 allocated to the general fund unassigned reserve. A total of $63,200 has been set aside for various police trainings, while another $100,000 is budgeted for a fire feasibility study.
Included in the budget for implementation and growth of the City’s general plan is $250,000, and another $408,000 is budgeted for the salaries and benefits of five fire positions, as well as supplies for a fire prevention inspector and an outside fire contract for equipment maintenance.
Additionally, nearly $6.2 million is allocated toward road maintenance projects including Linwood Avenue improvements and Golden State Boulevard rehabilitation, as well as design and planning for the projects.
Not included in the report is the mental health program for City employees approved by Council in January, which will utilize over $400,000 of Measure A funding.
In total, the report states that $8,281,870 of Measure A revenues have been budgeted, leaving a remaining balance of $4,059,030.
The Measure A Citizens’ Oversight Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Yosemite Room at City Hall, 156 S. Broadway. The meeting is open to the public.