Have you ever slipped a greasy pizza box into your blue bin because the grey one is already full? Nobody noticed, right? Think again. An audit of Turlock’s recyclables indicated the level of contamination found within the blue carts exceeds industry standards.
“Unfortunately, customers are putting too much trash in the blue carts,” said Turlock Scavenger’s president, Alan Marchant. “This means that recyclables end up in the landfill instead.”
Turlock Scavenger currently provides residential pick-up service through a “three cart” waste collection system that provides for the collection of solid waste (black cart), commingled recyclables (blue cart), and green waste (green cart). All materials collected by Turlock Scavenger are processed through preliminary sorting with the blue cart recyclables outsourced to a facility for enhanced sorting and recycling.
The blue cart, which is for commingled (non-sorted) recyclables, has greatly assisted the City’s efforts to comply with State of California mandates to reduce the amount of solid waste that ends up in landfills. The law requires all agencies, including the City of Turlock, to divert a minimum of 50% of its solid waste from California’s landfills.
If the current level of contamination continues, it could present difficulties in continued compliance with State regulations. By not recycling correctly, the cost of solid waste operations goes up. These increased costs can ultimately be reflected in higher garbage rates – so that greasy pizza box could cost you in the end.
The City of Turlock and Turlock Scavenger are expanding their compliance, education and outreach campaign efforts to heighten awareness of proper residential recycling. Citizens are encouraged to Recycle Clean - Keep Turlock Green by not contaminating the recyclables in their blue cart. Recycling conserves our valuable resources, saves energy, and keeps valuable recycled materials out of our landfill.
Visit the City’s website at www.cityofturlock.org, Turlock Scavenger Company’s website at www.turlockscavenger.com or call the Municipal Services Department at (209) 668-5590 for more information.
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