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turlock fire truck

The Turlock Fire Department responded to 133 incidents between Dec. 2 to Dec. 8.

·         There were five fire calls, including one passenger vehicle fire, one grass fire and three cooking fires. The average response time was seven minutes and 14 seconds. The total loss from the fires was estimated at $1,022.

·         There were 105 Emergency Medical Service and rescue calls. Of those, 101 were for EMS and three were for vehicle accidents with injuries. One call was a vehicle accident with no injuries.

·         There were nine service calls, which included three to assist invalids, two for public service and two for unauthorized burning.

·         There were five good intent calls, meaning either the call was canceled en route or no incident was located.

·         There were nine false calls, including two for unintentional activation of a smoke detector and three for malfunctioning alarms.