Monthly solid waste user fees could be increased for the first time in 12 years, following Turlock City Council’s unanimous decision on Tuesday to schedule a public rate hearing for October 13.
“This is an opportunity to consider increasing the monthly solid waste user rates by proceeding with the property owner notification requirements of Proposition 218,” said Municipal Services Director Michael Cooke. “The last rate increase for Turlock Scavenger was in 2003.”
In order to address increased costs, including the rate increases at the Stanislaus County solid waste facilities, Turlock Scavenger has requested the rate structure to be adjusted appropriately. For the average residential customer, this would mean that the cost of solid waste disposal would increase one-time by approximately 9.16 percent for the next five years.
“Turlock Scavenger is proposing, and staff supports, a one-time rate increase good for the next five years instead of a series of five smaller rate increases over five years,” said Cooke.
In their proposal, Turlock Scavenger recommends the residential rate for the 32 gallon grey cart with a 68 gallon blue recycle cart and a 95 gallon green waste cart would undergo a one-time increase of $2.30, or 9.16 percent, to increase the existing rate of $25.10 to $27.40.
The residential rate for the 64 gallon grey cart with a 68 gallon blue recycle cart and a 95 gallon green waste cart would undergo a one-time increase of $3.10, or 9.37 percent for the next five years. As a result, the existing rate of $33.10 would be increased to $36.20.
The residential rate for the 96 gallon grey cart with a 68 gallon blue recycle cart and a 95 gallon green waste cart would undergo a one-time increase of $3.60, or 9.45 percent, to increase the existing rate of $38.10 to $41.70.
City Council authorized staff in April to proceed with the property owner notification requirements of Proposition 218 for the consideration of increasing solid waste user fees and established a hearing date for the July 28 Council meeting.
However, further research revealed that additional time was needed to review Turlock Scavenger’s financial records as allowed for in the existing franchise agreement. Staff has since completed the review of methodologies used by Turlock Scavenger to determine the proposed rate increase and did not note any concerns.
“The process did take a little bit longer than we expected,” said Cooke.
Turlock City Council unanimously approved on Tuesday to authorize staff to proceed with the property owner notification requirements of Proposition 218 for the consideration of increasing solid waste user fees and to establish the October public rate hearing, where potential protests will be addressed.
“Property 218 is a majority protest, so more than 50 percent of people have to vote against the rate increase in order for it to not be adopted or the City Council could choose not to adopt it after the protest hearing is held,” said Cooke.