State Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) officially swore in Turlock Resident John Eisenhut on Friday as the newest appointee to the California Air Resources Board. Eisenhut, who was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday, will be replacing Dorene "DeeDee" D'Adamo, as she is set to move on the State Water Resources Board later this month.
Canella stated that the appointment of Eisenhut is something that will bring a stronger voice of the Valley’s agriculture community onto the board.
"John Eisenhut is just an unbelievable choice that’s going to serve our district very well,” said Cannella. “To have somebody that understands agriculture is very significant because a lot of times agriculture misses out and doesn't necessarily have the best seat at the table.”
Eisenhut, who formerly served on the Turlock Unified School District Board of Trustees said he is “very excited” about the governor's decision.
“I am thrilled and excited about this possibility and about the work we’re going to partake in,” said Eisenhut.
At Friday's ceremony, Eisenhut said his appointment will give him an opportunity to directly understand decisions made by the state's legislature, and how they will in turn affect the Valley.
“The air board will have choices to make with the implementation of clean air in AB32,” said Eisenhut. “Issues of air, global health and maintaining the governor's and legislature's vision for jobs in the Central Valley."
Canella also added that Eisenhut’s appointment held positive implications not just for the Valley, but also for the whole state.
“This is a very big thing for Turlock, a big thing for Stanislaus County and big thing for the state of California,” said Cannella.