The Turlock Convention and Visitors Bureau will give its annual report for 2012 and announce goals for 2013 at Tuesday's Turlock City Council meeting.
The CVB is responsible for tourism and marketing in the City of Turlock with the goal of enhancing the economy by bringing more visitors to Turlock. It works in conjunction with the Turlock Chamber of Commerce and the City of Turlock. The Turlock general fund and Transient Occupancy Tax partially fund the CVB's activities.
The Chamber of Commerce administrates the CVB, and is allowed to receive a maximum of $99,000 from the city's General Fund.
The CVB is requesting $97,518.56, a combination of 14,900 in fixed expenses and $82,618.56 in salary and benefits. That would fund a CVB Manager position, at $40,258 annually, a staff assistant, a part-time intern, 50 percent of an office assistant, and 15 percent of the Chamber CEO's salary.
A further $112,645 is requested to conduct marketing and outreach efforts. That money is generated through hotel tax revenue. The total CVB budget proposal for 2013 is slightly less than last year's approved budget of $211,645.
One of the CVB's 2012 projects was the launch of an application for smartphones. It includes information on attractions, accommodations, and discounts to local restaurants and businesses.
On Tuesday, the Turlock City Council is expected to:
• Hear the Turlock Police Department second quarter report.
• Accept the Capital Facility Fee annual report for 2011-2012. CFFs are assessed on new development, funding infrastructure improvements needed to accommodate the growth.
Roadway, Police, and Fire CFF funds posted moderate growth year-over-year, from new revenues and interest. General Government funds declined, due to expenditures related to the Public Safety Facility, as did the CFF contingency reserve.
• Receive the 2011-2012 Safety Award from the Central San Joaquin Valley Risk Management Authority.
• Hear a presentation on the Business Incentive Program, and present a check to Susan Baker, of Red Rags Scrubs.
• Issue a proclamation in honor of the 2012 California State University, Stanislaus Men's Soccer Team. The team finished first in their league this year.
• Conference with labor negotiators representing the Turlock Associated Police Officers in closed session.
• Complete the process to amend Turlock Municipal Code regarding prohibited wastewater discharges, and payment for those discharges.
A November 2011 Regional Water Quality Control Board report found that Turlock must amend its industrial pretreatment compliance program, clarifying that businesses with the proper permit may discharge wastewater with a greater pH range than the 5.5-8.5 range currently in the Municipal Code. The city previously allowed discharges outside that range, as noted on city permits, but code does not reflect the practice.
The penalty charge for delinquent payments would rise from $10 to $25 for sewer only customers. That delinquent payment fee was increased for water customers in August 2011, but "sewer only" customers, who are connected to the city wastewater system but own a private water well, were mistakenly excluded from the fee increase at the time.
The Turlock City Council preliminarily approved the ordinance at their Nov. 13 meeting.
• Complete the process to approve an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Diagram, allowing Yosemite Farm Credit to expand its development at the corner of W. Monte Vista Avenue and Dels Lane.
The approximately two-acre site is currently zoned Medium Density Residential, but Yosemite Farm Credit received approval to construct three office buildings on the site in 1989. To date, only two buildings have been constructed, and the 1989 approval for a third building has long since expired.
The new proposal would see Yosemite Farm Credit build a 15,000 square foot administration office building, and 4,000 square foot addition to an existing bank building.
The project was recommended to the Turlock City Council by a 6-0 vote of the Turlock Planning Commission on Oct. 4. The land use diagram amendment was preliminarily approved by council at their Nov. 13 meeting.
The Turlock City Council will meet at 7 p.m. in the Yosemite Room of Turlock City Hall, 156 S. Broadway.