Local social club, SIR, Inc. Turlock branch 143, is gearing up for the new year with the election of its Big Sir.
Greg Back was elected as “Big Sir” (President) for the year 2022. Back is committed to SIR. He has been a member for four years and this is the second time he has stepped up to serve. Back is a former engineering manager for AT&T with a second career as a consulting engineer. Back supports SIR because he and his wife Barbara have met new friends and participate in many of the SIR activities including Dine Out, Wine Tasting and RV Outings. Back also enjoys bocce ball and instructs RC Flying and Computers courses for the organization.
“It is an honor to be elected to serve another term as Big Sir. I’ve made many new friends since joining SIR and I think it is a great resource for seniors. I’m proud of how SIR has adapted through COVID and even more proud to have returned to our monthly luncheon meetings and other in person activities. I’m looking forward to helping grow the organization and introducing even more seniors to all that SIR has to offer,” said Back.
SIR, Inc. is a Northern California non-profit organization that provides social activities for men 50 and older. The parent organization was formed in 1958 in San Mateo. The Turlock branch was formed in 1988. The SIR, Inc. mission is: “To improve the lives of our members thru fun activities and events while making friends for life.” There are currently over 100 branches in California and more than 10,000 members from Bakersfield to Mt. Shasta and Lake Tahoe to San Francisco.
The Turlock Branch has about 125 members who meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Denair Community Center, 3850 N. Gratton Rd., Denair. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. and lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. with a program to follow. In addition, The Turlock Branch offers the following activities to its members: Golf, (both 9 and 18 holes), Bowling, Bocce Ball, Travel, RV Outings, Dine Out, Wine Tasting, Book Swap, RC Flying, Fishing, Computers and Chess. Ideas for new activities are encouraged and adopted.
Visitors and potential new members are welcome to sample the activities and attend luncheons. For more information, call Membership Chairman Larry Hughes at 209-578-1194 or 2022 Little SIR Gary Toombs at 209-604-8406. More information is also available on their website: https://www.sirinc2.org/branch143/