Residents receiving a penalty fine for water wasting can elect to take an online water conservation course to waive the penalty. Only one such penalty waiver shall be allowed within any 24-month period.
A Notice of Acts Constituting Water Wasting may be issued for the following:
· Watering on the wrong day and/or hours.
· Watering landscaped areas such that excess water leaves the property being watered.
· Watering landscaped areas while raining and/or within 48 hours following measurable rainfall.
· Washing vehicles, boats, or equipment during restricted days/hours and/or using a hose without a positive shut-off valve.
· Hosing down driveways, sidewalks, building exteriors, streets, and/or parking lots.
· Broken sprinklers, plumbing fixtures or leaky faucets on the premises.
· Operating evaporated coolers or fountains that are not equipped with a recirculating pump.
To find more information on the online water conservation course, visit the City of Turlock’s website at or call the Municipal Services Department at (209) 668-5590.
— Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department
City of Turlock watering schedule: Outdoor landscape watering is now restricted to two days per week throughout the City of Turlock.