Name of business: Dubyak Family Chiropractic
Type of business: Chiropractic practice
Location: 3008 Geer Rd., Turlock
Contact info: 668-1944
Hours of operation: Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
History of business: The popularity of chiropractic care has grown dramatically over the years. People are seeking better options in relieving pain without the dependence of medication, a practice that Dr. Dave Dubyak from Dubyak Family Chiropractic firmly believes in.
For over 23 years, Dubyak Family Chiropractic has treated thousands of patients from throughout the community. Owned by Lisa and Dave Dubyak, their treatment has improved the quality of life for many people with different ongoing issues.
“Dave is very passionate about his profession and patients can tell through his work,” said Lisa Dubyak. “He is very kind and approachable and takes the time to listen to each of his patients’ concerns. Some of the patients that he sees he’s been treating since they were little kids.”
Dave Dubyak treats patients with a range of issues from immune incompetence, respiratory problems and learning disorders.
“It’s amazing to see how much their nerve problems can calm down once they visit the chiropractor,” said Dave Dubyak. “I work with a lot of children who suffer from chronic problems and many of them live a better quality of life once their nervous system gets aligned.”
Business specialty: Dubyak Family Chiropractic has been named the 2010 and 2012 Turlock Journal Readers' Choice as Best Chiropractor for not only family care, but animal as well.
“I’ve been adjusting dogs and horses since 1998, and enjoy treating them as I do my regular patients,” said Dave Duybak. “I especially like to treat horses because it’s so much easier in pinpointing the problem because of their big structure. Muscular skeletal issues are very common in these two animals and could lead to them acting out or being stubborn when they are in pain.”
With the help of chiropractic care, many troubled systems of the body in humans and animals alike can be healed without medication, he said.
“It’s quite simple. If you align your nerves and make them better your body will get better,” he said. “This holistic approach can reduce the need for potentially adding pain medicine or invasive surgery that the patient may not potentially need. My job is to make sure my patients live a well-balanced lifestyle.”