We have some changes coming Wednesday to our website, turlockjournal.com.
Yes, turlockjournal.com has a new masthead and some additional features to help connect the dots for you, though our intent is still to provide you with a very local website, driven by the efforts of our news-gathering team.
With about 40,000 monthly viewers, and page-views approaching the 103,000 mark, we consider our website to be a compliment to our local newspaper, a likely gateway to our future, and yes, it’s still free, at least for the moment.
Look for more local content, obituaries now with larger photos, and more of the Journal’s local news on the site. We are the community news source for Turlock and its’ surrounding neighbors. We take pride in covering our local market like a blanket, thanks to the Journal news and advertising teams. In the future, we will continue to add news and advertising features, as we develop them.
Something very new is the registration process. As we move towards a more progressive website we will soon be charging for our website for non-Journal subscribers. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our new site, turlockjournal.com.
Journal launches new website