Two local high school students, who spent part of their summer at an intense citizenship training program, shared their experiences Friday night at a dinner hosted by the American Legion Rex Ish Post 88 Auxiliary.
“It’s a huge honor to be representing my school and be a part of this event,” said Natalie Guerino from Pitman High School. “We spent a week doing election with 500 other girls. Not only was it an unforgettable experience, but it solidified my decision in studying politics and eventually become a congresswoman in the future.”
Girls State is a practical application of Americanism and good citizenship, according to the American Legion. The program is a non-partisan, non-political attempt to teach and inculcate the youth of America the governing system of our country. At Girls State, the Turlock delegates spent a week living as self-governing citizens, learning about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship.
“My favorite part from the training program would be working in the Senate and seeing how bills are proposed and become laws. It was a great experience,” said Katelyn McGinnis from Turlock High School.