Every year the crew at Lancaster Painting takes time to give back to a family or organization in need through their Paint It Forward event.
This year, a Ceres family was chosen as the recipients of a free day of work. Silviano (who wished not to disclose his last name) has had a tough few years. His wife passed away a few years ago leaving him to raise their two daughters. He is a Type 1 diabetic and recently had some health issues with his heart.
The Lancaster Painting team, some of whom know first-hand the effects of diabetes, chose Silviano and his family as this year's Paint It Forward recipient. The crew went out earlier this month and painted the exterior and interior of his mobile home and helped out with some repair work.
"It truly was an awesome day," said Lancaster customer advocate Jennifer Gonzalez. "It was so cool to see this man's family show up and support him and jump in and help all along the way; great day for us and them."