The Stanislaus County Library's Summer Reading Challenge may be over, but local branches of the library have a number of activities planned in September to encourage reading and inspire creativity.
Events for children at the Turlock Library in September will begin with a look at clouds at 4 p.m. Tuesday. The book "Cloudette" by Tom Lichtenheld will be read, followed by discussion on the water cycle, as well as different types of clouds. The event will also include a cloud-related activity. Children 4 and under must be supervised by a parent.
Children from kindergarten through sixth grade can learn more about dinosaurs and prehistoric life in a one-hour program hosted by the Great Valley Museum at 4 p.m. Sept. 8.
In celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day, the Turlock Library will host an event where attendees can make a pirate hat and eye patch at 4 p.m. Sept. 15.
The Kids' Book Club will meet at 4 p.m. Sept. 16. Students in grades 4th through 8th are encouraged to attend the meeting at 4 p.m. Sept. 16 and discuss their favorite book.
Children will have the opportunity to build LEGO displays for the library at 4 p.m. Sept. 22. LEGO play helps children develop fine motor skills. Children under 4 are welcome, but must have direct adult supervision.
An "Alice in Wonderland" party will be held at 4 p.m. Sept. 29. Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite hat and join the library for tea and refreshments, games and a craft.
September library events aimed at teens and adults will begin with the Turlock Library Book Club meeting at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. This month's selection is "Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter.
Walter has written an epic tale about the real people who make art, spinning illusion for fun, profit and meaning. There are screen actors, a novelist, and Pasquale, an innkeeper, who keeps his patrons fed and watered on homemade wine and dreams. Among all the shimmer and hope are the lost souls who long to create something, anything. Walter introduces those characters and then follows them for 50 years. A limited number of copies of the book are available at the library. For more information contact the Turlock Library Reference Desk at 664-8100.
The September As Seen on Pinterest craft night will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 16. This month the activity will be adult coloring pages. Registration is required and space is limited. Call 664-8100 to register. Pinterest is an online tool for collecting and organizing things you love. You do not need to be familiar with Pinterest to attend.
The Turlock Library will hold two Tech Connect events in September. Learn how to access Mango, an online language learning system, from a smartphone or other device at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 21. Bring your library card, device, and any passwords you may need. Learn how to find magazines, car repair manuals, biographies, research material and directories while at the library or at home at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 28. Register for these events by calling 664-8100.
The Turlock Library is located at 550 N. Minaret Ave.
Children of all ages can celebrate e the first day of fall at the Denair Library at 3 p.m. Sept. 23 with leaf paintings. This event could get messy, so please dress accordingly.
The Kids Book Club will meet at 4 p.m. Sept. 30 at the Denair Library. Children are encouraged to bring a book they have read to share with others. Snacks will be provided.
Adult coloring will be the activity for the As Seen on Pinterest craft at 1 p.m. Sept. 10. The library will provide the coloring pages and pencils.
Celebrate National Coupon Month at the Denair Library with a coupon exchange at noon Sept. 29. Bring in your coupons that you don't need and take ones that you need.
The Denair Library is located at 4801 Kersey Rd.
September events for children at the Keyes Library will begin with a LEGO build day at 3 p.m. Sept. 10. All designs will be displayed in the library. Children under 4 must have parental supervision.
Celebrate National Play-Doh Day at the library at 1 p.m. Sept. 16. Children will learn various techniques for making Play-Doh, afterwards all participants are invited to stay for sensory play.
Readers arrgghh amazing! Celebrate all things pirate with Pirate Day at the Keyes Library at 3 p.m. Sept. 21. Children can play pin the eye patch on the pirate, make pirate ships and parrots, and pose as a pirate in pictures. Pirate books will also be displayed and available for checkout. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Keyes Library.
Adults are invited to de-stress with a little coloring at the Keyes Library at 10 a.m. Sept. 17.
Teens and adults are invited to learn how to make their own lip balm at 4 p.m. Sept. 24.
The Keyes Library is located at 4420 Maud Ave.