Asiat Tamrazian has 32 grandchildren, 42 great grandchildren, and six great-great grandchildren. Thursday also marked her 104 birthday.
At the ripe age of 98 Tamrazian made the voyage from Iran to the United States where much of her family resides and just six months ago she was sworn in as a United States citizen. Due to her elderly state, officials made their way to her home for her swearing in ceremony, something important not just to herself but her family as well.
“She wanted to become a citizen to participate and follow the rules of the place she is living in,” explained Tamrazian’s granddaughter Violet Betkalia.
While members of Tamrazian’s family made their way to the United States at different times, she spent nearly a century in a small village in Iran where she raised her seven children, two of which have since passed away. Her husband passed when she was just six months pregnant with her final child as he was killed in World War II while serving as part of the Iranian forces. Tamrazian never remarried, instead focusing on raising her children.
“She was young at that point and stayed in her village to farm and take care of her children,” said Betkalia.
“She worked very hard and she’s happy she raised good kids in good standing,” she added, translating for her grandmother.
While Tamrazian derives much of her happiness from her large family, her family also has learned from the example she has set, namely the importance of respect.
“We are very blessed to have my grandmother in our life as long as we have,” said Betkalia.