Fire Call Summary
June 2011
The Turlock Fire Department responded to a total of 435 incidents during the month of June. These included a total of 280 emergency medical service calls.
Turlock Fire responded to 24 motor vehicle accidents, and 26 commercial/ residential fire alarms. There were a total of 23 fire type calls: three building fires, three vehicle fires, two unauthorized burnings, one cooking fire, nine vegetation/rubbish fires, one excessive heat from an outlet, one outside equipment fire, and three special outside fires.
Turlock Fire’s remaining incidents consisted of public assists, assist to police, extrication, removal of victims, animal rescue, smoke checks, gas leaks, hazmat investigation, etc.
Additional noteworthy events included an elevator rescue, and mutual aid vegetation fires. Fire crews responded to two occupants trapped in an elevator. Upon arrival, fire personnel assessed the occupants and found them to be stable and not under immediate distress. Firefighters were able to use specialized tools in order to remove the occupants safely. The other noteworthy events were mutual aid incidents.
The summer is upon us, and with summer comes agriculture/vegetation fires. These fires generally employ a great deal of resources. With that said, it is important that dry weeds, grass, and other dry vegetation be cleared from yards and lots in order to avoid fires. This month Turlock Fire assisted neighboring fire departments with several large time-consuming vegetation/ agriculture fires.
If you have questions regarding weed abatement or if you need to report a hazard, please contact Neighborhood Services at 668-5550 x 6609.
Our Fire Administration Office has moved. You can now find us at our new location of :
900 N. Palm Street
Turlock, CA 95380
You can still reach us at 668-5580 for all your fire services needs.