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Fire Call Summary May 2011

The Turlock Fire Department responded to a total of 406 incidents during the month of May.

These included a total of 266 emergency medical service calls, 15 motor vehicle accidents, 14 commercial/residential fire alarms, six building fires, one vehicle fire, three unauthorized burnings, two cooking fires, one outside storage fire, two vegetation/rubbish fires and five Dumpster fires.

In addition, Turlock Fire was called out to a person trapped in an elevator. Fire crews were able to remove the person who received no injuries. Remaining incidents consisted of public assists, assist to police, ring/jewelry removal, smoke checks, gas leaks and hazmat investigation.

Two additional noteworthy calls included a vehicle versus pedestrian and a vehicle rollover. Turlock Fire responded to a vehicle rollover with four of the five occupants already out of the vehicle. The fifth occupant was trapped under the rear of the vehicle. Crews took quick action in using extrication tools to lift the rear of the vehicle and remove the patient. The patient was alert and oriented throughout the extrication and transported to the hospital for evaluation.

The second call was a vehicle versus pedestrian where a slow moving vehicle hit an 80-year-old man. He received minor injuries, but his bicycle was severely damaged. Fire personnel purchased a replacement bike through the Random Acts of Kindness program. Fire personnel delivered the bike the next day to a very appreciative man and his family.

Summer months bring on hot weather that dries out the grass. The best way to reduce the chance of grass fire occurring on your property is to cut all tall, dry grass before fire season begins.


Fire Safety Tip

NEVER leave a child alone in a car, even for a minute!

Almost 50 children died this way last year.

-Dial 911 immediately if you see an unattended child in a car. EMS professionals are trained to determine if a child is in trouble.

-Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle, even with the window slightly open.

-Even if it’s only 80 degrees outside, a car with its windows up can quickly become as hot as 130 degrees. Heat enters via the car’s glass windows, but can’t escape via ventilation, creating a “greenhouse” effect.

-Distractions have inadvertently caused people to leave children behind in cars. Set something you will need with the child in the backseat. This triggers you to see the child when you reach for your belongings.

-It could take as little as 10 minutes for a child to die when left in a closed car, so in other words take the child with you because there’s very little margin for error.