Those in Livingston who glanced at the sky on Sunday morning saw more than just clouds and sunshine: they saw a multitude of colors as kites of all shapes and sizes hung in the air.
The colorful sky was a hallmark of the third annual Knights of Columbus “Time to Fly” Kite Festival. With a large crowd of families eager to launch the kites they received for free from the Knights of Columbus, individuals of all ages rushed to the field at Livingston Middle School to try their hand at the activity. Along with multicultural entertainment including performances from the Hawaiian Polynesian Dancers of the South Pacific Dance Company in Merced and Maldonado’s Kempo Karate in Livingston, the kites were not the only attraction in the sky. A 1973 UH-1H Vietnam War era helicopter also made an appearance to kick off the event, kicking up wind and excitement in its wake as families enjoyed food, music and outdoor fun for several hours making it a Sunday afternoon to remember.
Tune into Studio 209 at or for video coverage of this event.