Nicole Sanders of Turlock was crowned the District 6 Dairy Princess during ceremonies held Thursday at Our Lady of Assumption Hall in Turlock. Alexia Nunes of Turlock was named First Alternate and Marion Carpenter of Merced was named Second Alternate.
Nicole is the daughter of Scott and Sharalee Sanders of Turlock. She graduated from Turlock Christian High School this spring and will start Modesto Junior College in the fall. Nicole is a member of TCHS FFA, American Jersey Cattle Association, California Jersey Cattle Association, Central Valley Jersey Breeders, California Holstein Association and American Computer Barrel Racing Association. Nicole and her sister have grown their registered herd of jerseys to over 150 milking jerseys and 60 registered calves. She is a member of the dairy judging team and shows dairy cattle throughout California and the nation and competes in barrel races.
As Dairy Princess, Sanders will represent the dairy industry in the counties of Alameda, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus and Tuolumne. She will serve the area as ambassador for the dairy industry at schools, service groups and with the media.
Alexia is the daughter of Pete and Sandra Nunes of Turlock. She graduated from Turlock High School and will start Modesto Junior College in the summer; she plans to become a veterinarian. Alexia participates in FFA and has shown dairy cattle, dairy goats, swine, poultry and rabbits. She is current Turlock FFA President and is a member of the dairy cattle judging team, National Holstein Association and Northern California Junior Rodeo Association.
The newly selected princess and her alternate will participate in a week of training, provided by the California Milk Advisory Board, which includes industry tours, presentation and etiquette training.