Eloisa Sanchez Mulgado celebrated her 106 birthday on Monday, smiling and laughing like any day before.
“She is always in good spirits,” said Isabel Uballe, one of Mulgado’s great nieces. “If she hears music she still gets up to sing and dance.”
Born Sept. 8, 1909 in Ayotlan Jalisco, Mexico—Mulgado moved to Turlock with her family in 1980. She resides with one of her three living children, Anita Martinez.
“[Mom] gets around well and can still do everything for herself,” said Martinez. “Except when I ask her to get a broom and help sweep—she pretends she needs to rest.”
Mulgado’s humor and outlook on life is reason enough for her longevity—but she reveals what a contributing factor may be.
“When I was younger, my family would slaughter cows,” said Mulgado through her great-niece interpreting. “I would drink the blood, maybe that’s the secret.”
Regardless, something is working for her.
One hundred and six years is a long life to live, and Mulgado has had her fair share of experiences.
According to Elida Lopez, her granddaughter, she once asked her grandmother what was one of the most amazing things she's ever seen in her lifetime and her grandmother stated, "When I lived on a ranch and saw an automobile for the first time. I was amazed. Now they are common and everywhere."
Of course, with age come some perks.
“My favorite thing about being 106 is that I get to sleep a lot,” said Mulgado. “I don’t have to do housework anymore, either.”
Her family best describes her personality as “bubbly and ornery,” but they enjoy her company.
“She still loves doing things with us,” said Uballe. “She enjoys camping at Pinecrest and still travels to Mexico to visit family.”
Mulgado has 44 grandkids, estimates 50-80 great grandkids and more than 50 great-great grandkids.
Her family will celebrate her birthday with her at Crane Park in Turlock on Sunday.