We are in the midst of the election season. A time when civic minded individuals run for office to represent our community and the nation at large. A time when we expect that candidates of differing views will share their stance on issues that impact us all.
COVID-19 has made it extremely difficult for a candidate to safely reach out to the voting public. Congressman Josh Harder has pledged to run his campaign respecting the health and safety of our community and his reelection team. This means no door knocking and no in-person events. Large street signs are one of the few safe options available. Unfortunately, someone has seen fit to deface and destroy some of these signs. It is disappointing to say the least. Participating in this destruction shows remarkably poor judgement. I would say to anyone taking part in this unlawful act to let our election process take its course without such un-American behavior.
Give the candidates and our community the respect that is deserved.
— Susan Goodman