Integrity, visionary, leadership, knowledge and experience… these words come to mind when thinking about why Scott Kuykendall is the most qualified candidate for the position of Stanislaus County Superintendent of Schools.
I have known Scott for 15 years as a colleague and friend. Over the years I have had the opportunity to get to know Scott on both a professional and personal level. Scott is a person of integrity. Someone who is a man of his word and has all students’ best interests in mind when making decisions, finding solutions, and collaborating with others. I have had the privilege to work with Scott. He has demonstrated that the decisions he makes are based on what is best for students and staff. He thinks outside the box. He is a visionary leader who listens to new and innovative ways to give all students a better chance of succeeding. He is a person of action with a career of positive results.
Scott has 23 years of experience in education. What I respect is that he has worked in a variety positions that support diverse students. Scott advocates for all students whether their goals are to attend college, focus on a specific vocation, or for those who later in life realize the importance of obtaining their high school diploma. When it comes to giving students’ opportunities, his experience and leadership speak for themselves. He has been on the forefront of new programs in this county that give non-traditional students the opportunity to succeed. These current successful programs include: Come Back Kids, which is a high school program for adults who want to receive their high school diploma and VOLT (Valley Occupational Learning & Technology), which offers hands-on training in Industrial Maintenance Mechanics.
Scott leads with passion and energy for his students, staff, and community. He’s direct and respectful, focused and a good listener. He’s friendly with a good sense of humor, yet professional. Scott is the person we want to lead our county when it comes to education.
In my opinion, as a father of two teenagers, who works for a non-profit agency focused on the betterment of children and families in our community, and someone, who cares about the well-being of our children’s future, there is no other candidate who is more qualified for the County Superintendent than Scott Kuykendall.
— Craig Orona