Look around Turlock and you're bound to see so many examples of how redevelopment works and works for our community.
It's been a part of improving our infrastructure, our safety, our schools, our housing, our economy and more. We have new sewer and water infrastructure, better intersection safety, a new Public Safety Center under construction, a restored Carnegie Center nearing completion of construction, Central Park improvements, first-time home buyers' assistance, housing for seniors and low income families, planning for expanded downtown parking and other community projects.
We have the benefits of redevelopment because of the leadership of our city leaders and state legislators. They know why this program is important to Turlock. They are working day in and out to strengthen our economy and get people back to work and redevelopment is part of the solution. Redevelopment is critical to keeping a portion of local property taxes here in our community where that money is leveraged for the greatest economic benefit.
Nothing however is perfect, redevelopment included and that's why its champions are calling for some substantive reforms that will make this program even more economically powerful for California.
But the Governor is calling for the complete elimination of this important economic program. He wants to kill it, threatening our state's ability to once again shine as the Golden State. The Governor doesn't appear to be able to think beyond this year's budget crisis. What he is forgetting is that by fixing redevelopment's problems, he can be part of the solution to insure that California doesn't continue to have skyrocketing unemployment and multi-billion dollar deficits year in and out.
Join me in urging the Governor to mend redevelopment, not end it, to protect our future.
Please contact the Governor's office at State Capitol, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by phone (916) 445-2841.
- John Lazar
Mayor, City of Turlock
Redevelopment is California and Turlocks lifeline