We went to our grandson's promotion from 8th grade at the Turlock Jr. High School (TJHS). The principal was speaking and introducing several people. The one that really got my attention was the introduction of his three vice principals. Why in the world does he need three vice principals for two grades?
Our elected officials and school boards are reducing class days by five to 20 days, cutting teachers, cutting programs and increasing class sizes. I would like an investigation of this apparent lack of priorities in educating our students versus maintaining an apparent overstaffing of senior management. I would bet that each of these people make a six-digit income.
I have contacted our elected officials and they said they couldn't do anything because it was up to the school boards to solve this problem. My suggestion to improve this situation is to reduce the upper management first before we touch the teachers.
Why can't we do the following? We have three school levels that include elementary (several), junior high (two) and high schools (two). I believe we should have one (max of 2) principal over all of the elementary schools and each school would have one vice principal to run the day-to-day operations of each school. The junior high and high schools would follow the same procedure. We should be able to cut some of the other staff members, such as, personnel, budget and etc. We should reduce as much duplication of positions and responsibilities as possible.
There are other ways to solve this type of problem, but something has to be done to put the students first and not cut education, while we maintain a top-heavy management structure.
- Joe Nance