This letter is written in support of Charles Asbill for a seat on Denair Unified School District Board. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Denair Unified #113 has endorsed Mr. Asbill. We've known Mr. Asbill for over 16 years. If he says he is going to do something, he gets the job done. Due to his employment and acquired knowledge, he has an outstanding work ethic in all his endeavors. He has had numerous awards through his years of service. He takes a practical approach to the issues. Charles will be an asset to the Denair Unified School Board and ultimately to our children in the school district.
On a personal touch, you may have seen him on the news or read an article on PI day for the last few years. He's is known on the middle school campus as the person that can recite PI up to 780 numbers. He's great with all numbers! Charles believes in this district so much that his grandson attends DUSD on an interdistrict contract at this time. Please vote for Charles (Charlie) Asbill on Nov. 7 for a seat on Denair Unified School District Board.
- Gayle Schell, president, CSEA Denair Unified Chapter #113