Dear Editor,
Thank you for your story on the Delhi JAMS (Junior Academy of Medical Sciences) program published Saturday, March 10. I'm Eloisa Fuentes, the physician who was mentioned in the piece. I'm writing to give due credit for the inception of the JAMS program to Delhi's former superintendent Mr. Baltazar. His vision was materialized and is being developed by Mrs. Gomes, director of curriculum and instruction. Mr. Baltazar has retired and the new Delhi superintendent, Dr. Stephens, has full-heartedly backed and expanded the JAMS program.
The Delhi school district, like its peers, is facing drastic decreases in state funding so the commitment Dr. Stephens and the Delhi School Board have made to these children and their families is that much more admirable. They are working miracles with their current resources and a modest budget that includes donations from the children's parents.
To be maximally effective, the program needs help from medical, business, and university professionals from surrounding communities. Success of the Delhi JAMS program will undoubtedly have a positive long term effect on the lives of Delhi residents and the larger Valley Community. Therefore, I encourage your readers to consider supporting the Delhi JAMS program and to contact Mrs. Sue Gomes at the Delhi district office at 656-2000 for ideas on how they can help.
— Eloisa F. Fuentes, MD