To whomever it is who thinks dumping animals is a good idea: STOP IT! I live in a 55+ park near the fairgrounds. All of the outside cats in our park have been caught and fixed so that we have had no kittens for over a year and a half. However, people think that because this is a decent size park, their unwanted animals will fare well here, and they will be taken care of. So, cats that are no longer wanted are unceremoniously dumped here to fend for themselves. It is obvious that some of these no-longer-wanted animals were once indoor cats who now find themselves having to fend for themselves, scramble for food, fight with other heartlessly discarded cats, and in general are sentenced to a sad life. We try to take care of them. Feed them, take them to the vet, spay and neuter them with costs coming out of our own pockets.
If you are not in a position to take care of an animal…or don’t think past its “cute” phase, don’t get a cat or dog! How dare you think that you can shirk your responsibilities and just toss out an animal who is no longer wanted. Makes me wonder what’s going to happen to you when you are no longer wanted….you know that saying about karma.
We are all going to be extra vigilant concerning this horrible practice. If you are seen dumping an animal, I will personally make sure your name and face is plastered all over town as well as social media. Shame on you.
— Renee Hoobyar