The Friends of the Turlock Library held its annual books sale and thanks in part to the outstanding and gracious coverage provided by the caring staff of the Turlock Journal (especially Ms. Sabra Stafford) our three-day used book sale was a resounding success.
A healthy number of book buyers who filled out a questionnaire form checked the box "Turlock Journal" when asked where or how they found out about our book sale.
The Friends of the Turlock Public Library rely on this annual sale to provide monies for the Turlock Public Library. The Turlock Public Library also sends out a huge thank you to the Turlock Journal. I would also like to thank the Turlock Journal on behalf of everyone who has a Turlock Public Library card, because the money generated at our sale goes directly to purchase books, magazines, DVDs, and provides funding for children's programs.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Friends of the Turlock Public Library ($10) or volunteer can call 417-2359 or email: brooksjudd@yahoo.com. We need your help.
— Brooks Judd