The nomination by our President Obama for Judge Sotomayor made me very proud as a Latina who, like Sotomayor, believed in the power of education.
If you look at the media and important and powerful people for Latino and especially Latina role models, you can probably count them with your fingers. The nomination for Judge Sotomayor is so important, not only because it will be making history, but it will make a huge impact to our young people who NEED positive role models. I can’t stress how important it is to have a positive role model as a professional Latina. It has been a difficult and a challenging process for me and the few Latina friends and family members to become professionals by going to college and having a career.
As much as I would hope that my being able to do it would be enough to encourage my nieces and nephews to go to college and have a career, the truth is, it isn’t. It is imperative for our young people to see positive Latino/a role models especially in the media, where most of our young people are being influenced the most.