It is with great disappointment I have read the recent comments of the Turlock Unified School Board and District Office in the papers. By their comments, it appears they have already made up their minds as to what they intend to do. They intend to impose a 2 percent salary cut on employees and ignore other effective cost cutting measures such as furloughs.
I was taught that negotiating an issue meant all sides sat down, presented their ideas on how to settle an issue, and then an agreement was worked out that worked for all while accomplishing the larger goal. That does not appear to be what the District wants to do. The District has chastised the unions and put out incorrect information about the unions not wanting to negotiate in an attempt to negotiate through the media. Where is the partnership? Isn’t everyone in this all together?
So TUSD Board and administration, I challenge you to open up your minds and to sit down at the table and to fairly consider all cost cutting ideas. As you’ve pointed out, this is about what is best for the kids. Quit blaming teachers and classified staff for the lack of progress. They are the ones in the trenches working to educate the kids and ensuring school sites are ready for the kids. They have good ideas on how to help resolve the current financial problems. All I’m asking is that you listen and fairly negotiate . . .
— Brad Christian