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Why vote Assemblyman Kevin Kiley for Governor?
Letters may be sent to The Ceres Courier, 138 S. Center Street, Turlock CA 95380 or emailed to

Kevin Kiley is the ONLY gubernatorial candidate who can hit the ground running on Day 1.  No learning curve needed.  With an English degree from Harvard, a law degree from Yale, and a master’s degree from Loyola, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley has been serving in our California legislature for the past five years.

Kiley’s been in the trenches dealing with the legislature and our squirrely governor and knows the laws and bills and how to craft them. He is also pro-education choice and pro-business. 

Other reasons I am voting Kiley include:

·         Kiley authored bipartisan legislation protecting free speech on college campuses.

·         Kiley proposed a full audit of where funding was going regarding homelessness and outcomes achieved.

·         Kiley forced the Legislature to follow transparency laws giving 72 –hours’ notice before hearings, protecting citizens from being cut out of the legislative process.

·         Kiley authored legislation retroactively banning any tax on texting.

·         Kiley authored legislation taking away the Secretary of State’s authority to write biased ballot descriptions, such as the gas tax title that omitted the words “gas” and “tax.”

·         Kiley is ranked 100% by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association for his work fighting new taxes and supporting Prop. 13.

Kevin Kiley is also the ONLY 100% CITIZEN BACKED California elected official, refusing all funding from the special interest groups that have spent tens of millions electing Gavin Newsom.

When you vote YES to RECALL NEWSOM, vote for the guy who has already been working for CA:  KEVIN KILEY!

— Truman Jensen, Turlock