Three Turlock residents are facing criminal charges in Fresno for kidnapping and robbery after taking a man hostage who thought he was arranging a private massage.
Arrested were: Joseline Martinez, 20, Antonio Basquez-Watson, 21, and Manmit Bhullail, 20, all of Turlock.
According to the Fresno Police Department, the victim was staying at a local motel on Jan. 3 and had arranged for what he described as a “private massage” from a stripper. When 3 p.m. rolled around it was the two women and the one man who showed up at the victim’s motel room door. Basquez-Watson was allegedly armed with a shotgun.
The suspects are accused of taking the man’s money, then using his ATM card to withdraw more money. They drove him to two other banks to get more money, but were unsuccessful in those attempts.
The trio used the victim’s cell phone to call some of his family members and demand they hand over a ransom to get him back safely. At least one of the family members contacted the police department.
The three suspects were apprehended in a parking lot in Fresno. The victim was not injured.
In the vehicle the suspects had been using, officers found two more shotguns and evidence linking the trio to other robberies.
All three were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping for ransom, kidnapping for robbery, carjacking, and robbery.